Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cayenne Pepper

For Extremes, Here is an extremely hot cayenne pepper.

I grow hot peppers every year. Usually, I pick them when they are still green, since the heat and taste are the same, and the faster you pick them, the sooner more peppers bloom. But sometimes I will let just one or two ripen to the state where they turn red. I saw one that was so beautifully orange-red, that I remember thinking it looked better than any computer graphic program could ever render it. But here's a try:



Willie Baronet said...

I'm a pepper too.

Josh (musarter) said...

Ceyenne's kind of spicey. I prefer red bonnet's myself. Nice rendering.

Vhrsti said...

Cool! BTW Do you know you are excellent caricaturist?

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

I like this a lot. Beautifully done. I considered doing something around hot peppers...