Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jake Byrd at O.J. Press Conference

Here is my take on an absolutely hilarious YouTube video where Jake Byrd manages to steal the show during the media-circus-press-conference-of-the-moment for the O.J. Simpson burglary/holdup. I ended up watching it many times while searching for good reference stills, and I was still laughing out loud the second and third times through. As Jimmy Kimmel said, "Where does this guy get off turning our circus into a circus?"

I actually found the lawyer to be as much of a caricature as Jake Byrd.



Arnulfo Wing said...

This is an awesome drawing... Funny...!!

Candace Trew Camling said...

Oh my god! Hilarious!!!!! I watched the video, and then your illustration summed it up. Love the end with the pointing! Good job, I'm glad someone used stitch as "a silly person".

Willie Baronet said...

What a riot!! Where are that dude's teeth??

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Really awesome caricatures!!! Well done.